Part Time Professionals - The Executive Edge The Executive Edge...
Part time professional

Part Time Professionals™ represents a network of over 350 skilled accountants, CFOs and Financial Controllers around Australia.

Our CFO Network™ Members are available to help you today!

Call us or download a brochure
How to build your 21st century management team

Getting a Part Time Professional is:

There are NO upfront fees.
Our CFO Network™ provides a readily available pool of resources...NOW.
Cost Effective 
A senior, experienced AND qualified Accounting Executive in your business on a part time or project basis. There is no full-time cost.
No Employment 
Our part time professionals are independent consultants. This removes the headaches of superannuation, payroll and many other employment related issues.

If your business could benefit from a qualified and experienced CFO, Accountant or Financial Controller without the full-time cost, Part Time Professionals™ can really help your company!

For all your part time or project needs, our CFO Network™ Members are there to help you!

Whether your business is small, medium or large; ASX or foreign listed; local or international; acquiring or divesting; growing or looking to expand - we have the experienced CFO Network™ Member to suit your company’s needs!

Give us a call on +61 2 9973 3179 or email us today to find out how we can help your business!

Give Your Business
"The Executive Edge"

Our principals are members of the following organisations.

Institute of chartered accountantsCPA AustraliaNational tax agents associationInstitute of company directorsNational Institute of Accountants